About the Team

Kavitha Krishnamurthy

Kavitha Krishnamurthy

I live in Chennai, TamilNadu, currently working as a PMO Team Leader in an IT company. I am driven by my passion to build and create something that will have an enduring impact on society. I believe that we are not remembered by the amount of money we have made but rather by the lives we have changed. This website is a passion project of mine developed with the aim of creating awareness and diagnosing color blindness and hearing problems among the people of India and I am thankful to Steven McDonald, Joey Bruno, David Oglesby and Hsueh Yen Neo for making this possible.

Hseuh Yen Neo

Hsueh Yen Neo

I am a full-stack web application developer based in Munich, Germany. I am currently working as a project lead, managing various projects with tech stacks of React, PHP, JS, JQuery, Docker and MySQL. While waiting for npm to install, I love drinking coffee and occasionally good beer and wine when the code is being nice to me. When my back hurts from sitting too long, I enjoy long walks and trying out cool restaurants around Munich.

Steven McDonald

Steven McDonald

I am a full stack developer living in the Bay Area, California, with a degree from Cornell University. I joined this project because it is an opportunity to use my skills for humanitarian good, and I want to help tackle the need for accessible hearing and eye tests in India. When I'm not coding, I love painting and swing dancing.

Joey Bruno

Joey Bruno

I am a Teaching Assistant for an online Digital Marketing class with Vanderbilt University, living in Nashville, Tennessee. I wanted to join the project in order to help people, by using my mixed skills of graphic design and web development to help assist in the designing of the website itself.

David Oglesby

David Oglesby

Interested in the creative and problem-solving aspects of programming, I taught myself how to code at an early age. Now a full-stack web developer, I continue to enjoy building web applications to improve efficiency and automate processes, while (trying!) to stay abreast of the newest languages and updates in the industry. Parallel to that, I enjoy mentoring and teaching others how to code. I'm happy I could help out on this project, even if in a small way, and I hope this website will help many people and have an enduring impact on society.

How We Got Together

The internet is a place where anyone can meet anyone else from around the world. That was how our team formed,five people from different corners of the globe united by a common goal of making something for those in need. When we started we had no goal, just the knowledge that when people with good intentions come together, good things will happen and just like the internet brought us together, it has given us the chance to help people living in places that we may never visit. We decided to use the skill set each of us had, to design this website and then give that to an NGO, so that while conducting health camps it can be used as a web based tool for diagnosing color blindness and hearing problems. From all five of us, this website is our small contribution to society.